If you provide massage therapy services in Lenexa, you need one or both of the following types of massage licenses.
Massage Therapist License(PDF, 238KB)
If you are an individual providing home-based massage therapy services, or you are a massage therapist operating in a massage establishment, you must have this license.
For a new massage therapist license, make an appointment with a Licensing & Permit Technician by calling 913.477.7500. At this appointment, you will need to submit the following documentation:
- A Massage Therapist License application (our staff will notarize this for you)
- Certified transcripts of 500 credit hours at an accredited school
- Current first aid and CPR cards (must be hands-on classes provided by American Heart Association or American Red Cross)
- Payment of the application fee
- Valid photo identification from Kansas or Missouri
To renew your massage therapist license, you must do so at least 21 days before your license expires. If you do not do so in that time period, your license could be delayed and you will not be able to provide services until it is approved.
- Also to renew, you must provide proof that you have received a minimum of 12 hours of continuing education during the past year, as listed in Lenexa City Code Chapter 2-3-B-11.
Massage Establishment License(PDF, 183KB)
If you will be operating a business location in Lenexa, you must have a massage establishment license.
For a new massage establishment license, make an appointment with a Licensing & Permit Technician by calling 913.477.7500. At this appointment, you will need to submit the following documentation:
- Check to make sure your location is zoned for this use by calling 913.477.7500
- A massage establishment license application (our staff will notarize this for you)
- Copy of your signed tenant lease with use noted as Massage
- Property Owner’s Signature on page 2 of the application
- Copy of the State of Kansas Certificate of Good Standing
- Payment of the application fee
- Valid photo identification from Kansas or Missouri
Each massage establishment must have at least one licensed massage therapist, a massage establishment license and a certificate of occupancy(PDF, 204KB) within 90 days of your license approval to operate.
- Each employee must be listed separately.
- All establishments must have at least one manager. The manager doesn’t have to be a licensed massage therapist. A manager is required to be on site any time massage is being performed.
- The fee for the establishment license does not include the fee for each individual massage therapist license.
To renew your massage establishment license, you must do so at least 21 days before your license expires. If you do not do so in that time period, your license could be delayed and you will not be able to provide services until it is approved.