Stormwater Requirements

BMPs and Stormwater management

Stormwater Management Report Guidance(PDF, 137KB): Procedures, format and guidelines for creating a stormwater plan.

Stream Setback Ordinance, Lenexa City Code Article 4-1-O: Based on the Lenexa Stream Inventory in 2001, this ordinance defines streams by environmental rating and stream order to determine setback distances.

Stormwater design considerations for development

When you’re making plans for your site design, you should give thoughtful consideration to the following:

  • Streams, and thus potential stream setbacks that may be on your property.
  • Additional jurisdictional permits may be required (state or federal).
  • Other natural resources on your site that may require protection (typically federal requirements).
  • General site layout, taking into consideration site grading, on-site stormwater conveyance, impact on adjacent properties, and receiving systems.

Flooding and floodplains

We assist the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with regulating floodplains in Lenexa.

FEMA Flood Map Service Center: FEMA provides maps that you can use to check your property for potential floodplains.

As part of regulating floodplains, we have adopted a Flood Prevention Ordinance, which restricts or prohibits uses that are dangerous to health, safety or property in times of flooding, or cause increases in flood heights or velocities. In addition, you must provide flood protection to uses vulnerable to clouding during initial construction.

Two primary components for protecting against flooding consist of designating minimum low openings and minimum floor elevations for properties next to man-made and natural stormwater features. These are regulated distances above the 100-year flood elevation that is set to minimize the risk of flooding.

Erosion & Sediment Control

Erosion is a natural process where the force of raindrops and surface runoff can detach soil particles and transport them through our stormwater system as sediment. Sediment in stormwater runoff can pollute water and degrade aquatic habitats and is the largest pollutant of rivers, streams and lakes.

More about Erosion & Sediment Control

Rain to Recreation

We have been nationally recognized for our Rain to Recreation program and its approach to stormwater management, natural resource conservation and restoration and citizen engagement in natural resource management. Through this program, our mission is to reduce flooding, protect water quality and natural habitats, and provide educational and recreational opportunities to the community.

Additional resources

If you have any questions about these permits, please email