Lenexa takes a proactive, data-driven approach to pavement maintenance to prolong the useful life of roads. Over the next five years, $44.88 million has been allocated for mill and overlay; curb and gutter replacement; and asphalt surface replacement through the annual Pavement Management Program. New project areas are identified at the start of each program year. (Ongoing) Learn more
83rd Street from Gleason Road to Clare Road is a two-lane road without adequate shoulders, storm drainage or streetlighting. The current street will need capacity and safety improvements in the next five years due to increasing development. The project will reconstruct the road into a four-lane divided street with new storm drainage, streetlighting, traffic signals, curbs and gutters. Bike lanes and trails will be evaluated during the design phase. ($13.67 million) (2024-2027)
Construction of Clare Road south of 98th Street and 99th Street east to future Clare Road began in 2023. Work is expected to continue into 2024. ($8 million)
Some streets are past their useful life, and surface treatments are no longer an option for these roads. The Pavement Reconstruction Program dedicates $7.51 million for full or partial reconstruction of failed streets, plus new sidewalks, curbs, streetlights and storm drainage improvements as needed. Streets in the Penny Green subdivision and Deer Run Street will be replaced in 2024.
Lenexa has set aside $6.28 million for design and right-of-way acquisition for a new interchange at Lone Elm Road and Kansas Highway 10. There is no timeline set for this project.
Monticello Road roundabout replacement will rebuild four asphalt roundabouts between 83rd Street and Prairie Star Parkway with more resilient, lower-maintenance concrete. ($5.76 million) (2025-2026)
The 95th Street improvement project will include extensive preventative maintenance and enhancements from Renner Boulevard to Noland Road. The project will include storm sewer pipe replacement and pipelining at several locations; streetlight replacement; island beautification from Loiret Boulevard to Lackman Road; spot replacement of deteriorated sidewalk, trail, curb and gutter; asphalt mill and overlay; and pavement markings. ($4.1 million) (2024-2025)
Clare Road roundabout replacement will rebuild the four deteriorating asphalt roundabouts between 83rd Street and Prairie Star Parkway with concrete roundabouts, which require less maintenance. ($3.8 million) (2027-2028)
Annual bridge maintenance ensures Lenexa’s 29 bridges are in good, safe condition. Work completed through this program includes joint repairs, crack sealing and guardrail repairs. ($2.46 million) (Ongoing)
Old Town north parking lot reconstruction will rebuild the aging lot north of the historic Old Town shops with a new configuration that will improve safety, efficiency and capacity. The project will also include new storm sewer, sidewalks, curb and gutter, streetlights and landscaping, as well as a new connection to the front/south parking lot. ($2.2 million) (2026-2027)
Improvements planned for the intersection of 95th Street and Loiret Boulevard include a new traffic signal with ADA accommodations and pedestrian signals, a westbound right turn lane on 95th Street, a southbound right turn lane on Loiret, extension of the northbound right turn lane on Loiret and a trail to Electric Park ($2.17 million) (2024)
The Sidewalk and Trail Repair Program has allocated $2.05 million to maintenance and filling missing gaps in the network, creating a more cohesive and walkable environment. (Ongoing)
Santa Fe Trail Drive Street and Trail improvements will include new curbs, gutters, streetlights, storm sewer and trail between 95th Street and Park Street, plus upgrades to the traffic signal at 95th Street and Pflumm Road. ($1.71 million) (2024)
Quivira Bridge over I-35 maintenance will include replacement of the lighting, fencing and handrails. While the bridge is structurally in good condition, many components are badly faded, and the chain link fence has rusted. ($1.64 million) (2025-2026)
Roundabout and median improvements will improve traffic safety at several locations along Renner Boulevard, 101st Street and Prairie Star Parkway. ($913,350) (2027-2028)
Construction of a right-turn lane on northbound Lackman Road at the I-435 entrance ramp will add capacity and reduce delays at this intersection. ($675,000) (2024)
Increased traffic warrants K-10 and Canyon Creek Boulevard improvements, including additional turn lanes and wider ramps. ($589,650) (2025-2026)
The Lackman Road Wall Replacement Study will assess the nine retaining walls between 84th Terrace and the north City limits to determine if maintenance improvements can be made or if removal and replacement is warranted. These walls are nearly 50 years old and beginning to show signs of distress and failure. ($150,000) (TBD)