Community Orchestra

Orchestra performing a concert for an audience inside a church

The Lenexa Community Orchestra is composed of volunteer musicians and performs free concerts for the community each summer.

The orchestra began in 2017 and is led by Conductor Richard Ryan. It is a program of the Lenexa Arts Council

Play music with us

Lenexa Community Orchestra logo with treble clef and staff

Our goal is to build a community of artists who want to create music together. Applications for volunteer musicians are accepted from March to May for each summer concert season. Once registered in our volunteer center, you will receive a Google Form to indicate availability, instrument played and experience/background.

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

Sign up to be a musician

Orchestra sponsors

Supported by a grant from Martha Lee Cain Tranby Music Enrichment Fund

Concert schedule for 2024

June 29, July 20, Aug. 10
7 p.m.

Event status

To find out whether an event is canceled or delayed, check our notification line below or call 913.477.7170.

Upcoming concerts