Site Development Permit
With a site development permit, you can move material and construct exterior items such as storm piping, curbing, paving, lighting, landscaping, and detention basins. If you have a site development permit, you do not need a land disturbance permit (except as a companion plan to a Johnson County sanitary permit).
Typical plan set requirements include:
- Title sheet
- Site layout sheet, including existing vegetation
- Grading plan
- Stormwater management plan
- Land disturbance plan, including tree/vegetation preservation plan
- Land disturbance notes and details.
- Landscaping plan
- Landscaping notes and details
- General construction details
- All other construction sheets (lighting plans, utility plans, etc.)
We try to review initial applications within 15 working days. Total review times vary, based on your plan’s completeness and the amount of time it takes consultants to complete revisions.
Site Development Permit Application