Fire Investigations
The City of Lenexa Fire Department is legally required to conduct a fire investigation on every fire. within the jurisdiction of the City of Lenexa Fire Department.
During an investigation, witnesses and victims are interviewed, evidence is collected and processed, and the scene will be photographed and documented. The data collected during a fire investigation provides valuable statistics on fire trends within the City of Lenexa. The information is essential in developing programs to reduce fire risk in the future. In some cases, the fire investigation discloses criminal activities, and is a significant component in solving crimes like arson.
The Fire Prevention Division will provide oversight of fire investigations on incidents involving injuries or fatalities, high dollar loss, high profile (house of worship, government facility), and any illegal activity that has a connection to fire.
The Lenexa Fire Department is also part of the Eastern Kansas Multi County Task Force (EKMCTF) and aids in the investigation of fires in other participating jurisdictions. The Lenexa Fire Department currently has three fire investigators certified through the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI).