File a Crime Report

Lenexa Police officer unrolling police caution tape

In order to help keep our community safe, we rely on the general public to report crimes and suspicious activity as quickly as possible.

Serious crimes or crimes in progress

If you are the victim of, or witness a serious crime or a crime in progress, the best thing you can do is contact us while it is happening:

  • Emergencies: Call 911
  • Non-emergencies: Call 913.477.7301
  • Come to the Lenexa Police Department:

    12500 W. 87th St. Pkwy.
    Lenexa, KS 66215

Calling 911 is the fastest way to get help in an emergency. If the situation is of a less critical nature, please use our non-emergency line.

Our dispatchers can also receive and send text messages. If you have an emergency but cannot speak, send a text to 911. Remember, call 911 if you can, text if you can't.

Please do not use our social media pages, such as Facebook, to report crime or request police assistance. We do not dispatch officers or investigate crimes based solely on social media messages. Also, our social media pages are not monitored 24/7.

Past crimes

You may use our Crime Report Form to report past or minor incidents such as:

  • Suspicious activity that occurred at least two days ago
  • Minor theft
  • Missing license plate
  • Criminal damage to property

Please remember that it is illegal to file a false report.

Child abuse

If you suspect child abuse or neglect, please call one of the following:

You do not have to give your name, but it does help us investigate the situation if we can contact you for additional information.

Domestic violence

If you suspect or are experiencing domestic violence, please call:

  • Emergencies: Call 911
  • Non-emergencies: 913.477.7301 for Lenexa Police Dispatch

Our dispatchers will ask you for information and request you remain on the phone, if possible, until officers arrive to provide necessary assistance. Our department adheres to the Johnson County District Attorney's Office Domestic Violence Protocol, which mandates the arrest of the offender if there is sufficient evidence that a crime has been committed. We will also provide the victim with resource material for assistance, including medical care and information on safe homes and restraining orders.


Tips hotline

You can also call the Greater Kansas City Crime Stoppers tips hotline at 816.474.8477 to provide information on ongoing or past criminal activity. You may be eligible for a cash reward if your information helps to solve a crime.