Volunteer Hall of Fame
The City of Lenexa recognizes individual citizens who have made significant contributions to the community through their outstanding volunteer efforts. We look for those special people who stand head and shoulders above the rest — people who have used their time and energy to make a difference in our community. Exceptional volunteers are initiated into the Lenexa Volunteer Hall of Fame.
Lenexa Volunteer Hall of Fame inductees since 1985(PDF, 258KB)
Current volunteer opportunities
Selection criteria
- Minimum of five years of continuous service.
- Nominee must live or volunteer in Lenexa.
- Only individuals may be nominated (not groups, clubs, organizations, etc.).
- Current elected officials are not eligible, though former elected officials may be considered for their outstanding volunteer efforts.
- Current City of Lenexa employees are not eligible.
- Nominees may be considered for their volunteer contributions when they exceed the normal scope of their employment or parental involvement.
- Nominees involved in a service organization may be recognized for their volunteer contributions when they exceed the regular requirements of the service organization.
- Nominees may only receive this honor once.
How to nominate a volunteer
We accept nominations for extraordinary Lenexa volunteers annually in January. Check back later for an online form to submit your nominee.