
The Finance Department provides effective stewardship of public funds through the timely and efficient delivery of financial services to citizens, the business community and the City government.

Annual Budget

The Finance Department prepares Lenexa's Annual Budget with input from all City departments. The Recommended Annual Budget is presented to City Council each spring/summer for consideration.

The public is invited to take part in this process and provide feedback on the Recommended Budget. Sign up for My Lenexa News to keep up with how to share feedback throughout the budget process.

The Annual Budget document provides valuable information including:

  • Budget message from the city manager
  • Fund descriptions and structure
  • Budgeted expenditures by fund
  • Revenues by fund
  • Projected fund balances
  • Expenditure and staffing by department
  • Assessed valuation
  • Tax rates / City mill levy
  • Tax value illustration

Capital Improvement Program

A Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a plan that is a result of a systematic evaluation of capital projects. The plan serves as a guide for the efficient and effective provision of public facilities, outlining a timeline and schedule of capital projects for a five-year period. The CIP typically includes projects with a cost of at least $300,000 and a useful life of at least five years. The Finance Department prepares the plan which is reviewed annually, during which time the needs of the city may be re-prioritized and the financial status reevaluated.

Department staff

Nate Blum

Chief Financial Officer
Manages the city's finances, including budgeting, financial analysis and policies, debt issuance and Capital Improvement Program financing.


Megan Sterling
Assistant Chief Financial Officer
Manages the Finance Department, responsible for budgeting, financial reporting, investments, and debt issuance.

Justine Kubicki
Accounting Manager
Manages the accounting staff, responsible for grant management, capital assets, and the Capital Improvement Program

Lan Nguyen
Financial Accountant
Cash receipt management and bank reconciliations.

Melanie Boyda
Accounts payable, purchasing, and travel

Colter Stevenson
Senior Budget & Financial Analyst
Budgeting, investments, and sales tax analysis

Barbara Young
Senior Payroll Specialist 

Pam Wiest
Payroll Specialist 
Payroll and Accounts Payable

Financial disclaimer

The information on the Finance Department webpages is for general informational purposes. The City undertakes no obligation to update any information included in this site. The information and expressions of opinion herein are subject to change without notice and the posting of information on this website does not imply that there has been no change in the affairs of the City since the date of posting such information.

Estimates of future results are statements of opinion based on the most current information available, which is believed to be accurate. Such estimates are subject to risks and uncertainties, which may affect actual collections and cause results to differ materially from those set forth herein.

The information on the Finance Department webpages do not purport to include every item that may be of interest, nor does it purport to present “full and fair disclosure” with respect to any of the City’s debt programs within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Investment decisions should be made only after full review of the Official Statement and other relevant matters in connection with a particular bond issue.

Any addresses of or links to other websites, which may be contained herein, are given for the convenience of the user only. The city has not participated in the preparation, compilation, or selection of information on any other website, and assumes no responsibility or liability for the contents thereof.